passionate about life.most of my thoughts appear whilst day dreaming.sports, cars , and more sports.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sportsmadwill Daily
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Good day folks, as promised yesterday on Twitter, and for those of you who don’t follow me on twitter this is my handle (sportsmadwilly) I promised to rant about the South African Rugby World Cup team representing us at this year’s R.W.C. The team all in all is a solid one (only because Jake White molded and picked almost the same team that the Clown P> Divvie has picked. The only difference being that Jake White was and will remain a great coach.
The South African Rugby Union has just proven that it is monopolized the same way that the South African Team is, with a Captain in both genres well past their sell by date. Today’s headlines read all about poor Art Matthews botching of the National anthem. Well I would have as well, seeing some of those players walk out.i mean the man is only human, and he is a true South African Rock Legend.
Rather than point out only negatives I will point out suitable replacements for the players that should not have been picked. I mean some of the players picked have not played since the Super 15 and have not even proved their fitness yet.
Let’s begin,
Tendai Beast Matawarira: Blows hot and cold, however has come to form of late. Choice 6/10.
Guthro Sttenkamp: one of the worst picks in the squad. He lacks his pace and scrimmaging powers he possessed at the last world cup. Choice 4/10, replacements instead , in each union there is a player fitter and better than him, even the Bulls have better players to fill that position, and that’s his home union.
John Smit: What more can I say? The second worst pick of the Squad, not the player he was before, the fact that he selfishly thinks that he can make this team on his playing abilities bares testament to the (in it for me) factor. He is sloppy around the fringes and is there because he can lead? No man, these guys are professionals; the decisions get made upstairs by your technical staff in any case. Why would you need a Prefect on the field to marshal you? Choice 3/10, replacements, Strauss from the Cheetahs and the forgotten one Schalk Britz.
Chilliboy Ralepelle: at first I thought wow, this dude has skills. He probably has but he lost a lot by being injured. Now only there based on colour rather than merit. Choice 5/10. Replacements the same as John Smit.
Johan Muller: Joint last place, battled eventually to make a strengthening Sharks team and moved to Ulster, terrible choice. He is sloppy around the fringes, he is also injury prone and is slow. Choice 2/10. Replacements, well there are numerous, Ashley Johnson, Flip V.d Merwe, Josh Strauss, even Wikus van Heerden. Bear in mind all of these players are actively playing currie cup and are playing damn good rugby.
Francois Louw: second recipient of last place. What has he done that has eclipsed other players from other unions? Average at best. I have no words for this choice and also the comments made when given his cap. Choices 2/10, replacements, wow a hell of a lot, but let’s name a few. Deysel, Daniel, Minnie, Josh Strauss, Johnson (all of who are playing outstanding rugby.
The rest of the forwards are class and deserve to be there.
Now for the backline.
Odwa Ndungane: at best I can only describe this as a pick that pissed me off terribly. Before I get slated and get accused let me do this. Choice 3/10, Replacements, Basson, Mvovo, Mvovo,Mvovo,Mvovo oh and Mvovo.
Ruan Pienaar: Once a prodigious talent, now all he is, is a one dimensional player that has no imagination. Choice 5/10. Replacements, if for scrum half, Jano Vermaak, if for fly half Katsikides.
I see a lot of people reading my stories however very little comment. I would like for the comments to come through. I wish for one thing. All those young men who got left out and are rightfully aggrieved, I wish you could join the Namibian Rugby squad and win the world cup. You have a right to be angry and even though it’s supposed to be an honor to represent your country, your country does not represent you. Go overseas play where you are appreciated as Ross Skeate has and make Money.
Over and out.
Monday, August 22, 2011
I don't know, but i will find out.
Here goes nothing. Through all of a human beings faults and mistakes I am totally sure that I have made more than others (starts whistling to the tune of my way by old blue eyes). However, I am the first to admit fault and wrong doing. However I break promises and I hurt people. Where this stems from I don’t know. I will however get to the root of all my faults and problems.
They say that admitting ones faults is a general step in the right direction, well have to many to admit openly. I will say this though, when I LOVE, I LOVE with everything and will spare nothing to make you happy. The sad thing is that at the same time I fuck up. There is no equilibrium at all. One of my biggest faults is trying to impress and do well and the constant need for acknowledgement, where does this stem from? I don’t know, however I will find out.
Promises get broken and it almost gets taken for granted that things will sort themselves out because that’s how they have in the past. No, this is wrong. We need to sit down and talk about it. We need to be open, love, live and be like we used to. Non communication is a huge problem. Where does this stem from? Don’t know, however I will find out.
LOVE is a precious gift. We have had it, let’s have it again. We must work together, stick together and be together, unifying what was unified once before. Where has the path separated? Where has all that love and passion gone? Where does it stem from? I don’t know, however I will find out.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Where are we going?
I love the fact that the South African public has been basically brainwashed into believing that it is okay for our National Sports to lose, and then get the message that it’s okay because we tried. Oh and its fine considering the fact that players were missing. Ummmmm, no it’s not fine. These players get payed huge amounts of Money to perform on behalf of a country. They are there for a reason, because they are apparently the best in their chosen position to represent our country. Heaven help us if a Policing force or Defense force were picked along the same lines…….Oh wait it is. Schools are represented the same way as well. There is no more pride in South Africa. A couple of thoughts to ponder.
I was fortunate enough to attend an all boy’s school. Bashers were worn; we did cadets etc and all 1st sport games were made compulsory to watch. A badger was lifted and a courteous good morning sir/mam or good afternoon sir/mam was offered to anybody senior to you. At a bus stop, preference was given to those more senior, and seats were offered to those more senior. Heaven helped you if you did not offer this gesture. Each standard (grade) in high school had their own lawns or areas to frequent during lunch breaks. Cadets were done for remembrance to those who fought for our countries independence and to protect us.

Today’s youth have taken a step into the total opposite direction. Backwards, Money and status have become no1 in their lives. Look at the ill discipline, drug use and so on. Military service is no longer compulsory (huge mistake as this was a huge platform for young adults). Walk along the street and see what response you get, nothing. Not even a hello. School standards have dropped, parenting has become wayward (there is the exclusion) and the youth simply put have no manners. What this has done is put society into a downhill spiral and we will ultimately lose all sense of right and wrong.
All of this to point out one simple fact, South Africa has lost its way. Rugby players are being astronomical amounts to play average Rugby. Cricketers God bless their souls have become overweight and battle to run between wicket never mind play to half their potential. Footballers, well let’s not get into that one. There is no more national pride, people can get mugged, hijacked, smash and grabbed or even in some cases raped in front of you without no public recourse, action or even remorse.
Our national sportsman/women and celebrities are a direct reflection of the state of our country. Everybody moans and does nothing about anything. Take a page out of the ANCYL’s book and stand together, unification will bring back the pride. Any other country in the world has national teams filled with talented proud individuals, it is the reason they are there, no money. We have so much diversity and politics involved in everyday life that we are a country dying. We do things half heartedly and we try. Try harder, do things to the best of your ability, don’t give up. Be the person you looked up to as a kid.BE PROUD.
Pick teams on merit, we are a talented nation, bring harsher sentences to people who break the law. How you ask? This is no overnight solution, but unfortunately the solution starts at home. Bring back the basics, morals, fidelity into your child’s upbringing and this is already the first step. Put your foot down and give 100%, this is how we will learn. No excuses for bad results stick your hand up and take accountability. I was wrong, I’ve done wrong or I’ve been wronged. Let’s start and let’s start together. When your child look down upon others less fortunate give that kid half of his/her belongings, your neighbor drives a fancier car? So what…… good luck to them. Turn the other cheek, show humility and kindness, this will pay it forward for the next generation. Quite simply live as the Bible wants us to live. BE PROUD…..
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