passionate about life.most of my thoughts appear whilst day dreaming.sports, cars , and more sports.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Was Bryce at fault?
So all my Springbok friends. We are OUT of the Rugby World Cup 2011. As a result I am blogging/bitching about what an absolute Asshole no wait, I can’t do that. Referee’s play an integral part of any Rugby or Sports game. We hurl abuse at them and no matter what, there will never be a satisfied or happy Fan. They are professionals and yes as professional as the players on the field. You see, as humans we make mistakes, it just so happens that in this instance Bryce Lawrence’s mistake has incurred the wrath of the South African public.
Lets not look at his mistakes but rather admit that we should have won the game hands down. Missed Penalty’s , a gift of a try missed my Fourie Du Preez and then our selection problems. Did Bryce miss the kicks? Did he knock the ball on? Did he concede the penalty’s ? NO….. he did miss plenty?YES, but so did we.
From the lead up to the World Cup, to the Quarters. This whole Bok campaign has been a shambles. Fourie starting ahead of Hougaard? Smit ahead of Bismark? I will say this until the day I die, the “Quota” system is a fuck up of epic proportions. That being said I will give credit where it is due and say that , Gio and Juan De Jongh for me deserved more game time. Anyone want to Hazard a guess on how many players got picked with injuries and those players didn’t play?
Bakkies sorry pal, you are a legend, but for fuck sakes man, admit that you were eina and get over it. Johan Muller? What the fuck was that selection decision based on? If anything I retract my comment on an earlier blog about Francios Louw, you stood up and got counted. Well done to those who stood up. Yet the hierarchy seem to be adamant on punishing the South African public by not picking who they and we know should start.
That to me is the deciding factor, we as a Die Hard Rugby nation decide to petition against Bryce Lawrence? Wake the fuck up. We need to petition against our Rugby hierarchy and we need to have a say in OUR team. We pay the guys ffs. No more harping on could have, would have and should have. Lets get all of our sports teams at the level that they need to be at. If it means empty stadiums , so be it. The government and people who pull the strings need to realize how sport can unite a country.
Stand up and be counted.
Till next time
Lets not look at his mistakes but rather admit that we should have won the game hands down. Missed Penalty’s , a gift of a try missed my Fourie Du Preez and then our selection problems. Did Bryce miss the kicks? Did he knock the ball on? Did he concede the penalty’s ? NO….. he did miss plenty?YES, but so did we.
From the lead up to the World Cup, to the Quarters. This whole Bok campaign has been a shambles. Fourie starting ahead of Hougaard? Smit ahead of Bismark? I will say this until the day I die, the “Quota” system is a fuck up of epic proportions. That being said I will give credit where it is due and say that , Gio and Juan De Jongh for me deserved more game time. Anyone want to Hazard a guess on how many players got picked with injuries and those players didn’t play?
Bakkies sorry pal, you are a legend, but for fuck sakes man, admit that you were eina and get over it. Johan Muller? What the fuck was that selection decision based on? If anything I retract my comment on an earlier blog about Francios Louw, you stood up and got counted. Well done to those who stood up. Yet the hierarchy seem to be adamant on punishing the South African public by not picking who they and we know should start.
That to me is the deciding factor, we as a Die Hard Rugby nation decide to petition against Bryce Lawrence? Wake the fuck up. We need to petition against our Rugby hierarchy and we need to have a say in OUR team. We pay the guys ffs. No more harping on could have, would have and should have. Lets get all of our sports teams at the level that they need to be at. If it means empty stadiums , so be it. The government and people who pull the strings need to realize how sport can unite a country.
Stand up and be counted.
Till next time
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Great Escape
So as promised here is my analysis of yesterdays Rugby World Cup opener against Wales in Wellington. Firstly though I’d like to make a quick point and then carry on with the analysis. I use a Social Networking tool called Twitter. Twitter is an open forum and you can basically say what you want to say without getting judged or frowned upon etc. However , your points are not always agreed with and you will get the odd disagreement, which is also cool as constructive criticism and general banter is really good, but, when you get a pedantic fuckwit like a follower that disagreed with me and then apologized for being a fuckwit who unfollows you later because he has no balls because his wife who was also following you is holding them with a vice also unfollows you because poor hubby is distraught because he got mooted on twitter . That pisses me off. Oh you thought I wouldn’t name them….. @GrantSmith13 and his other half @JeanMariSmith. Pathetic I tell you. Get a backbone and fucking stand up for self and finish the argument before running off like a bitch with your tail between your legs.
Then you get another follower @Dion_Govender that actually asked and when explained my problem understood and carried on regardless. People take it waaay to far, go back to facebook or unfollow me if you don’t like what I say.
Now back to the main business, The Springboks and their win yesterday and I say win because no matter what or how we did yesterday we are 1/1 for Rugby World Cup 2011. As stated in a previous blog South Africans have become way to complacent and happy go lucky about us just winning. Or at least we tried. For fuck sakes people , since when have we become so lackluster? No wonder the crime is where it is and children are doing drugs, not because they are a victim of circumstance but because their parents allow it. They no longer give a shit. When last has your child come to ask you if they can go kick a ball in the park with their friends or can I go play cricket? Loooong time ago. The new question is when can I go play playstation or can we go to the flea market and buy this or do that. We grew up in such a wonderful family orientated way, why rob our own children of the same thing?
Yesterdays rugby was played half heartedly and without passion. They few players who did play their hearts and soul out had to come on and rescue the shit performance. There are( and I will say it again) at least 8 players in south Africa who deserve their place in the Green and Gold and unfortunately did not get picked. I will even put my cock on a block and say that this team was picked 2 years ago.
I live South Africa, and I love my country, god knows I would die for my country, but when your National Team Coach attributes his teams narrow escape from a embarrassing loss to not having played on a SUNDAY in more than four years then I have no words for him. When he states categorically that his captain is the best Hooker in the world then I don’t know? Unless he meant John Smit was getting fucked at every scrum, lineout or all broken play. My starting 15 .
1) Dean Greyling
2) Bismark Du Plessis
3) C.J van der Linde
4) Victor Matfield
5) Bakkies Botha
6) Heinrich Brussouw
7) Willem Alberts
8) Ashley Johnston
9) Francois Hougard
10) Peter Grant
11) Lwazi Mvovo
12) Juan De Jongh
13) Jacques fourie
14) J.P Peterson
15) Francois Steyn
16) Jano Vermaak
17) Pat Lambie
18) Alwyn Hollenbach
19) Schalk Burger
20) Brok Harris
21) Keegan Daniel
22) Gio Aplon
Why on earth do we (The Springboks) not pick on merit? The New Zealanders won convincingly yet were crapped on by their coach for not playing ninety minute. John Smit is not the best hooker in the country, actually not even in the top 3. Francois hougaard deserves a start. Brian Habana is finished. Schalk Burger started his first game back( he should have come on from the bench). Brussouw gets subbed instead of Burger…….. The Beast and the other Du Plessis should not have come close to this squad. J.P didn’t go look for enough work.
There is a certain privilege about wearing a Springbok jersey. If we could play with half of the passion that Argentina played with then we would be a strong contender for the Semi’s. However , carry on like we did yesterday and we are in a heap of shit. Why do we make lives so hard for ourselves? I will always support the green and gold and will never back down in supporting them . I can and will show my disappointment and disgust at the selections and the way we approached the game. Yours in sport and forever a Springbok ………
Monday, September 5, 2011
According to Mark Faber
I expect, like me, you are aware that there has never been a prosperous black-led country, but perhaps it’s just because of “bad luck”, or whatever, for that incontrovertible fact.
Take Haiti as an example. Before the black slaves revolted and killed all the whites and half castes Haiti had a GNP greater than most of what is now the USA . It supplied 60% of all the sugar used in Europe. Today it is a wasteland. Apparently if you Google Earth the place you see is a sere, brown coloured landscape compared to the neighbouring Dominican Republic which is green and verdant. Twice the USA has occupied Haiti , building roads, ports, hospitals and schools while putting in a functional society. The moment the Americans left they reverted to dictatorship, voodoo, witchcraft, corruption and barbarism. They did not stagnate, they regressed to the primitive savagery of their forefathers
Since the 1960s, when the Congo expelled the Belgians this has been a mirror of African regression, moving steadily southwards until the example of Zimbabwe . Once a prosperous, well educated exporter of food the population now eat rats to survive.
Will SA go the same way?
There are those optimists who say “No, we have such a strong economy, such sophisticated infrastructure, such a talent pool, that we can never sink”.
My belief is that they have not considered the root cause of Africa’s failure. A cause that is not spoken about as it is fearfully politically incorrect, and probably illegal to speak about. That cause is the deficiencies of the black ”mentality”, for want of a better word.
Are there differences between races, or is race just a meaningless social construct? Until recently, I believed all races were the same under the skin variations, and that perceived differences were only the result of cultural differences. I believed in a common and equal humanity.
But things did not always ring true, observable anomalies were inexplicable if all men are the same.
Why, under apartheid, did the Indians prosper, become doctors, scientists, educators, merchants and professionals while the vast majority of the equally oppressed black Africans remained hewers of wood?
Why can black Africans run, jump and throw better than honkies, but why, out of a billion of them, have they never invented a single thing of any worth? Why have they, collectively, contributed absolutely nothing to the advancement of humanity.
Well the physical thing, the running, throwing bit is easily and uncontroversial answered. Simple, people of African descent (especially the Jamaicans) are genetically better equipped in this regard. Their muscle fibres are different and the typically have 15% more free testosterone than other peoples. Acknowledging this is regarded as racism. Unfortunately, racist or not, that is proven and a fact. Google it and you will find that for over 70 years, in test after test, done by dozens of university professors and Nobel laureates plus USA government studies, most people of African descent trail other races by a wide margin.
Of course I.Q. tests have been attacked, especially by those who perform badly at them, as one might expect them to do. Detractors claim cultural bias, dysfunctional families, past oppression, poor schooling and a host of other reasons for poor black performance, but the professors defend their contention that I.Q. is largely an inherited trait; that differences are inherent, built into a person’s inherited DNA.
For every argument attacking the validity of these tests they have a host of results confirming their accuracy and typicality. Fascinating stuff if you are interested in reading up on it.
The effect of high/low I.Q. has also been studied in depth, with fairly predictable results. Low I.Q. individuals performed badly in social class, family stability, income, educational levels, illegitimate pregnancy, single parent families, rate of prison incarceration, rape, violent crime etc. etc. etc.
I.Q. measurement measures different facets of intelligence and mental competence. Sadly it is in the absolutely vital sphere of cognitive ability that blacks score worst. This means they score abysmally in things like forward planning and anticipating the consequences of their actions.
It is this I.Q. (and testosterone) disparity that is blamed for the fact that African Americans are 5 times more likely to be imprisoned than white (including Hispanic) Americans, 9 times more likely than Americans of Asiatic descent. All in line with I.Q. distributions.
Once imprisonment for violent crimes are computed the numbers become stratospheric. These are American government collated statistics, so pretty accurate. Our government in SA do not, for obvious reasons, publish similar stats, but a pound to a pinch of salt they are even more astounding.
So why the lecture on I.Q.?
Well for a start you must understand that our ruling party are voted into power by a largely moronic plebiscite. I choose the word moronic intentionally. If the cut off point for moronic is an I.Q. of 70, half the voting population would be classified as such.
Only one in 40 black South Africans achieves the average I.Q. of his white fellow citizens. One in a hundred have the I.Q. to achieve university entrance requirements. That is why only one in ten blacks pass our dumbed down Matric (with a pass percentage of 30% in many cases). One in 6000 black grade one learners will pass Matric with both Maths and Science.
Simply put, they are bloody stupid, and they rule us. Furthermore Zoooooma says they will rule us until the second coming. I believe him.
This explains why the ANC have such idiots in their positions of power and influence, the likes of Zuma, Malema, Khomphela and Cele. They are, unfortunately, the best they have! Well, they are the best blacks they have. All the critical positions in government are held by Indians, coloureds or whites, something I am grateful for but which pisses Malema off big time .
Will this last? I doubt it. The black/white polarisation is growing and the rhetoric is becoming more extreme. Listen to the pub or workplace chatter, read the blogs and comments sections of the newspapers and it becomes obvious. Whites are gatvol at the waste, corruption and stupidity of the black elite. Blacks are demanding, as their right, the wealth of the whites by means of redistribution of assets. No matter that they have not worked for those assets, they claim them as the spoils of war.
Just in the past week the Mayor of Pretoria, Malema, a minister and Winnie have gone on record as blaming whites for sabotaging redistribution and exploiting blacks. Malema calls out “Kill the boers for they are rapists” to thunderous applause by university students Four influential ANC opinion makers who are echoing the groundswell of mutterings in the ghettoes. The natives are getting restless.
KAK KOM! Mark my words.
Things are not going to improve. They cannot, there is no reason to believe our slow slide into a failed state can be reversed with our current regime, and there is no prospect whatsoever of there being a change to governance based on meritocracy. Anyone who believes otherwise, or that the ANC can mend their ways, is living in LaLa land. They do not have the intellect.
Like the proverbial frog in the slowly heating pot we have become inured to the slow collapse of our hospitals, schools, courts, water supplies, roads, civil service and service levels. They will become totally dysfunctional shortly. Inevitably so. Those in charge do not have the mental capacity to organise things.
Our economy and Rand is reliant on short term “hot” funds from overseas that can flee at the touch of a computer button, and probably will if our Rand weakens. Conversely we need a weaker Rand to encourage exports.
6 million taxpayers support 12 million recipients of social grants, and that figure is set to rise this year. The National Health Insurance scheme will happen, no matter how unaffordable. That will push our social grant costs up to four hundred billion Rand. Four hundred billion Rand which produces absolutely no product. Inflation is set to stay and worsen. The consequence of being the biggest socialist state on earth. I do not believe the ANC has the intellect to conceptualise how big a billion is, let alone 400 billion, or what effect this will have on the economy.
You do not believe Malema’s call to nationalise the mines? This guy articulates what the hoi polloi are thinking, but the ANC leadership will not say yet. The tactic is to set the bar high, then lower it and the victims will sigh with relief and say it could have been worse. So perhaps it will not be total nationalisation but rather 51%, a’ la Zim. Just look north for revelation, Zuma does.
Who would have believed that this country would ever be headed by an unschooled, rape accused, adulterous, corrupt, sex obsessed bigot like Zuma. Anything is possible with the ANC.
You have few years left to enjoy what is left of the glorious SA lifestyle, especially in the Cape , but understand it is not permanent. The end could be sudden as the tipping point is reached, just as it was sudden for those Zim, Zambian, Mozambican or Angolans whites. It could, conceivably, be as bloody as the Hutu/Tutsi uprising when primitive tribal bloodlust overcomes a thin veneer of inculcated civilisation.
Enjoy it while you can, and enjoy it in the Cape where the population mix is more favourable, but be aware that change is inevitable. Your children must get a world class education, because they will not be adults in SA. Get assets stashed offshore, you and your children will need them there
Take Haiti as an example. Before the black slaves revolted and killed all the whites and half castes Haiti had a GNP greater than most of what is now the USA . It supplied 60% of all the sugar used in Europe. Today it is a wasteland. Apparently if you Google Earth the place you see is a sere, brown coloured landscape compared to the neighbouring Dominican Republic which is green and verdant. Twice the USA has occupied Haiti , building roads, ports, hospitals and schools while putting in a functional society. The moment the Americans left they reverted to dictatorship, voodoo, witchcraft, corruption and barbarism. They did not stagnate, they regressed to the primitive savagery of their forefathers
Since the 1960s, when the Congo expelled the Belgians this has been a mirror of African regression, moving steadily southwards until the example of Zimbabwe . Once a prosperous, well educated exporter of food the population now eat rats to survive.
Will SA go the same way?
There are those optimists who say “No, we have such a strong economy, such sophisticated infrastructure, such a talent pool, that we can never sink”.
My belief is that they have not considered the root cause of Africa’s failure. A cause that is not spoken about as it is fearfully politically incorrect, and probably illegal to speak about. That cause is the deficiencies of the black ”mentality”, for want of a better word.
Are there differences between races, or is race just a meaningless social construct? Until recently, I believed all races were the same under the skin variations, and that perceived differences were only the result of cultural differences. I believed in a common and equal humanity.
But things did not always ring true, observable anomalies were inexplicable if all men are the same.
Why, under apartheid, did the Indians prosper, become doctors, scientists, educators, merchants and professionals while the vast majority of the equally oppressed black Africans remained hewers of wood?
Why can black Africans run, jump and throw better than honkies, but why, out of a billion of them, have they never invented a single thing of any worth? Why have they, collectively, contributed absolutely nothing to the advancement of humanity.
Well the physical thing, the running, throwing bit is easily and uncontroversial answered. Simple, people of African descent (especially the Jamaicans) are genetically better equipped in this regard. Their muscle fibres are different and the typically have 15% more free testosterone than other peoples. Acknowledging this is regarded as racism. Unfortunately, racist or not, that is proven and a fact. Google it and you will find that for over 70 years, in test after test, done by dozens of university professors and Nobel laureates plus USA government studies, most people of African descent trail other races by a wide margin.
Of course I.Q. tests have been attacked, especially by those who perform badly at them, as one might expect them to do. Detractors claim cultural bias, dysfunctional families, past oppression, poor schooling and a host of other reasons for poor black performance, but the professors defend their contention that I.Q. is largely an inherited trait; that differences are inherent, built into a person’s inherited DNA.
For every argument attacking the validity of these tests they have a host of results confirming their accuracy and typicality. Fascinating stuff if you are interested in reading up on it.
The effect of high/low I.Q. has also been studied in depth, with fairly predictable results. Low I.Q. individuals performed badly in social class, family stability, income, educational levels, illegitimate pregnancy, single parent families, rate of prison incarceration, rape, violent crime etc. etc. etc.
I.Q. measurement measures different facets of intelligence and mental competence. Sadly it is in the absolutely vital sphere of cognitive ability that blacks score worst. This means they score abysmally in things like forward planning and anticipating the consequences of their actions.
It is this I.Q. (and testosterone) disparity that is blamed for the fact that African Americans are 5 times more likely to be imprisoned than white (including Hispanic) Americans, 9 times more likely than Americans of Asiatic descent. All in line with I.Q. distributions.
Once imprisonment for violent crimes are computed the numbers become stratospheric. These are American government collated statistics, so pretty accurate. Our government in SA do not, for obvious reasons, publish similar stats, but a pound to a pinch of salt they are even more astounding.
So why the lecture on I.Q.?
Well for a start you must understand that our ruling party are voted into power by a largely moronic plebiscite. I choose the word moronic intentionally. If the cut off point for moronic is an I.Q. of 70, half the voting population would be classified as such.
Only one in 40 black South Africans achieves the average I.Q. of his white fellow citizens. One in a hundred have the I.Q. to achieve university entrance requirements. That is why only one in ten blacks pass our dumbed down Matric (with a pass percentage of 30% in many cases). One in 6000 black grade one learners will pass Matric with both Maths and Science.
Simply put, they are bloody stupid, and they rule us. Furthermore Zoooooma says they will rule us until the second coming. I believe him.
This explains why the ANC have such idiots in their positions of power and influence, the likes of Zuma, Malema, Khomphela and Cele. They are, unfortunately, the best they have! Well, they are the best blacks they have. All the critical positions in government are held by Indians, coloureds or whites, something I am grateful for but which pisses Malema off big time .
Will this last? I doubt it. The black/white polarisation is growing and the rhetoric is becoming more extreme. Listen to the pub or workplace chatter, read the blogs and comments sections of the newspapers and it becomes obvious. Whites are gatvol at the waste, corruption and stupidity of the black elite. Blacks are demanding, as their right, the wealth of the whites by means of redistribution of assets. No matter that they have not worked for those assets, they claim them as the spoils of war.
Just in the past week the Mayor of Pretoria, Malema, a minister and Winnie have gone on record as blaming whites for sabotaging redistribution and exploiting blacks. Malema calls out “Kill the boers for they are rapists” to thunderous applause by university students Four influential ANC opinion makers who are echoing the groundswell of mutterings in the ghettoes. The natives are getting restless.
KAK KOM! Mark my words.
Things are not going to improve. They cannot, there is no reason to believe our slow slide into a failed state can be reversed with our current regime, and there is no prospect whatsoever of there being a change to governance based on meritocracy. Anyone who believes otherwise, or that the ANC can mend their ways, is living in LaLa land. They do not have the intellect.
Like the proverbial frog in the slowly heating pot we have become inured to the slow collapse of our hospitals, schools, courts, water supplies, roads, civil service and service levels. They will become totally dysfunctional shortly. Inevitably so. Those in charge do not have the mental capacity to organise things.
Our economy and Rand is reliant on short term “hot” funds from overseas that can flee at the touch of a computer button, and probably will if our Rand weakens. Conversely we need a weaker Rand to encourage exports.
6 million taxpayers support 12 million recipients of social grants, and that figure is set to rise this year. The National Health Insurance scheme will happen, no matter how unaffordable. That will push our social grant costs up to four hundred billion Rand. Four hundred billion Rand which produces absolutely no product. Inflation is set to stay and worsen. The consequence of being the biggest socialist state on earth. I do not believe the ANC has the intellect to conceptualise how big a billion is, let alone 400 billion, or what effect this will have on the economy.
You do not believe Malema’s call to nationalise the mines? This guy articulates what the hoi polloi are thinking, but the ANC leadership will not say yet. The tactic is to set the bar high, then lower it and the victims will sigh with relief and say it could have been worse. So perhaps it will not be total nationalisation but rather 51%, a’ la Zim. Just look north for revelation, Zuma does.
Who would have believed that this country would ever be headed by an unschooled, rape accused, adulterous, corrupt, sex obsessed bigot like Zuma. Anything is possible with the ANC.
You have few years left to enjoy what is left of the glorious SA lifestyle, especially in the Cape , but understand it is not permanent. The end could be sudden as the tipping point is reached, just as it was sudden for those Zim, Zambian, Mozambican or Angolans whites. It could, conceivably, be as bloody as the Hutu/Tutsi uprising when primitive tribal bloodlust overcomes a thin veneer of inculcated civilisation.
Enjoy it while you can, and enjoy it in the Cape where the population mix is more favourable, but be aware that change is inevitable. Your children must get a world class education, because they will not be adults in SA. Get assets stashed offshore, you and your children will need them there
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sportsmadwill Daily
Read The Sportsmadwilly Daily ▸ today's top stories via @mynews24 @jpnaude @minastefan ▸
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Good day folks, as promised yesterday on Twitter, and for those of you who don’t follow me on twitter this is my handle (sportsmadwilly) I promised to rant about the South African Rugby World Cup team representing us at this year’s R.W.C. The team all in all is a solid one (only because Jake White molded and picked almost the same team that the Clown P> Divvie has picked. The only difference being that Jake White was and will remain a great coach.
The South African Rugby Union has just proven that it is monopolized the same way that the South African Team is, with a Captain in both genres well past their sell by date. Today’s headlines read all about poor Art Matthews botching of the National anthem. Well I would have as well, seeing some of those players walk out.i mean the man is only human, and he is a true South African Rock Legend.
Rather than point out only negatives I will point out suitable replacements for the players that should not have been picked. I mean some of the players picked have not played since the Super 15 and have not even proved their fitness yet.
Let’s begin,
Tendai Beast Matawarira: Blows hot and cold, however has come to form of late. Choice 6/10.
Guthro Sttenkamp: one of the worst picks in the squad. He lacks his pace and scrimmaging powers he possessed at the last world cup. Choice 4/10, replacements instead , in each union there is a player fitter and better than him, even the Bulls have better players to fill that position, and that’s his home union.
John Smit: What more can I say? The second worst pick of the Squad, not the player he was before, the fact that he selfishly thinks that he can make this team on his playing abilities bares testament to the (in it for me) factor. He is sloppy around the fringes and is there because he can lead? No man, these guys are professionals; the decisions get made upstairs by your technical staff in any case. Why would you need a Prefect on the field to marshal you? Choice 3/10, replacements, Strauss from the Cheetahs and the forgotten one Schalk Britz.
Chilliboy Ralepelle: at first I thought wow, this dude has skills. He probably has but he lost a lot by being injured. Now only there based on colour rather than merit. Choice 5/10. Replacements the same as John Smit.
Johan Muller: Joint last place, battled eventually to make a strengthening Sharks team and moved to Ulster, terrible choice. He is sloppy around the fringes, he is also injury prone and is slow. Choice 2/10. Replacements, well there are numerous, Ashley Johnson, Flip V.d Merwe, Josh Strauss, even Wikus van Heerden. Bear in mind all of these players are actively playing currie cup and are playing damn good rugby.
Francois Louw: second recipient of last place. What has he done that has eclipsed other players from other unions? Average at best. I have no words for this choice and also the comments made when given his cap. Choices 2/10, replacements, wow a hell of a lot, but let’s name a few. Deysel, Daniel, Minnie, Josh Strauss, Johnson (all of who are playing outstanding rugby.
The rest of the forwards are class and deserve to be there.
Now for the backline.
Odwa Ndungane: at best I can only describe this as a pick that pissed me off terribly. Before I get slated and get accused let me do this. Choice 3/10, Replacements, Basson, Mvovo, Mvovo,Mvovo,Mvovo oh and Mvovo.
Ruan Pienaar: Once a prodigious talent, now all he is, is a one dimensional player that has no imagination. Choice 5/10. Replacements, if for scrum half, Jano Vermaak, if for fly half Katsikides.
I see a lot of people reading my stories however very little comment. I would like for the comments to come through. I wish for one thing. All those young men who got left out and are rightfully aggrieved, I wish you could join the Namibian Rugby squad and win the world cup. You have a right to be angry and even though it’s supposed to be an honor to represent your country, your country does not represent you. Go overseas play where you are appreciated as Ross Skeate has and make Money.
Over and out.
Monday, August 22, 2011
I don't know, but i will find out.
Here goes nothing. Through all of a human beings faults and mistakes I am totally sure that I have made more than others (starts whistling to the tune of my way by old blue eyes). However, I am the first to admit fault and wrong doing. However I break promises and I hurt people. Where this stems from I don’t know. I will however get to the root of all my faults and problems.
They say that admitting ones faults is a general step in the right direction, well have to many to admit openly. I will say this though, when I LOVE, I LOVE with everything and will spare nothing to make you happy. The sad thing is that at the same time I fuck up. There is no equilibrium at all. One of my biggest faults is trying to impress and do well and the constant need for acknowledgement, where does this stem from? I don’t know, however I will find out.
Promises get broken and it almost gets taken for granted that things will sort themselves out because that’s how they have in the past. No, this is wrong. We need to sit down and talk about it. We need to be open, love, live and be like we used to. Non communication is a huge problem. Where does this stem from? Don’t know, however I will find out.
LOVE is a precious gift. We have had it, let’s have it again. We must work together, stick together and be together, unifying what was unified once before. Where has the path separated? Where has all that love and passion gone? Where does it stem from? I don’t know, however I will find out.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Where are we going?
I love the fact that the South African public has been basically brainwashed into believing that it is okay for our National Sports to lose, and then get the message that it’s okay because we tried. Oh and its fine considering the fact that players were missing. Ummmmm, no it’s not fine. These players get payed huge amounts of Money to perform on behalf of a country. They are there for a reason, because they are apparently the best in their chosen position to represent our country. Heaven help us if a Policing force or Defense force were picked along the same lines…….Oh wait it is. Schools are represented the same way as well. There is no more pride in South Africa. A couple of thoughts to ponder.
I was fortunate enough to attend an all boy’s school. Bashers were worn; we did cadets etc and all 1st sport games were made compulsory to watch. A badger was lifted and a courteous good morning sir/mam or good afternoon sir/mam was offered to anybody senior to you. At a bus stop, preference was given to those more senior, and seats were offered to those more senior. Heaven helped you if you did not offer this gesture. Each standard (grade) in high school had their own lawns or areas to frequent during lunch breaks. Cadets were done for remembrance to those who fought for our countries independence and to protect us.

Today’s youth have taken a step into the total opposite direction. Backwards, Money and status have become no1 in their lives. Look at the ill discipline, drug use and so on. Military service is no longer compulsory (huge mistake as this was a huge platform for young adults). Walk along the street and see what response you get, nothing. Not even a hello. School standards have dropped, parenting has become wayward (there is the exclusion) and the youth simply put have no manners. What this has done is put society into a downhill spiral and we will ultimately lose all sense of right and wrong.
All of this to point out one simple fact, South Africa has lost its way. Rugby players are being astronomical amounts to play average Rugby. Cricketers God bless their souls have become overweight and battle to run between wicket never mind play to half their potential. Footballers, well let’s not get into that one. There is no more national pride, people can get mugged, hijacked, smash and grabbed or even in some cases raped in front of you without no public recourse, action or even remorse.
Our national sportsman/women and celebrities are a direct reflection of the state of our country. Everybody moans and does nothing about anything. Take a page out of the ANCYL’s book and stand together, unification will bring back the pride. Any other country in the world has national teams filled with talented proud individuals, it is the reason they are there, no money. We have so much diversity and politics involved in everyday life that we are a country dying. We do things half heartedly and we try. Try harder, do things to the best of your ability, don’t give up. Be the person you looked up to as a kid.BE PROUD.
Pick teams on merit, we are a talented nation, bring harsher sentences to people who break the law. How you ask? This is no overnight solution, but unfortunately the solution starts at home. Bring back the basics, morals, fidelity into your child’s upbringing and this is already the first step. Put your foot down and give 100%, this is how we will learn. No excuses for bad results stick your hand up and take accountability. I was wrong, I’ve done wrong or I’ve been wronged. Let’s start and let’s start together. When your child look down upon others less fortunate give that kid half of his/her belongings, your neighbor drives a fancier car? So what…… good luck to them. Turn the other cheek, show humility and kindness, this will pay it forward for the next generation. Quite simply live as the Bible wants us to live. BE PROUD…..
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Day After The Tsunami
Sportsmadwilly’s Top Stories of the day
According to News 24 the damage of the earthquake in Japan has risen to $34bn, why everything has to be associated with American Dollars is beyond me. Why not the British Pound? Or even the controlling currency in Europe which as a matter of fact is stronger than the Dollar the Euro? Washington - The massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan will exact a massive economic toll estimated at between $14.5bn and $34.6bn, a leading risk analysis firm said on Sunday.AIR Worldwide (AIR) said its catastrophe modelling showed that property losses from Friday's disaster is preliminary, but estimates insured property losses likely will be "between $14.5bn and $34.6bn". link Anyhoo, my feeling on this is sure, it’s sad, people died, and the world as a whole will suffer from this atrocity. However I must state categorically that I firmly believe in Karma and she is a Bitch sometimes. Do unto those as you would want done unto you. Case in point, the money Japanese whalers make from killing innocent mammals on a daily basis and here’s the kicker, from the SEA.
Real Madrid Football coach Jose Mourinho is highly upset with the Spanish Football Association and blames the association for basically rigging fixtures and favouring the clubs arch enemies Barcelona .He also blamed the league for less rest between games and also that Real Madrid who he coaches play more 22:00 time slotted games than Barcelona. Grow up Jose, just because your teams been clubbed silly by Barcelona and you are wasting the President and boards money doesn’t necessitate a bludgeoning of the SFA. Madrid – Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has backed Jose Mourinho in his complaints over the Spanish league fixtures schedule, which the Portuguese coach argues works in Barcelona's favour. Mourinho has repeatedly complained in recent weeks that Real have less time for rest between matches than arch-rivals and league leaders Barcelona. For the full story visit this link
In other football related news, Sir Alex Ferguson looks ready to offload his world class and England’s no1 striker Wayne “Shrek” Rooney. In a story not somewhat dissimilar to the hoax created by the two just before the January transfer window where Rooney wanted out and then decided to stay at the last minute, it seems now his greatest admirer Sir Alex is sick and tired of his shit and wants him out. I (see previous Blogs) am a staunch Chelsea supporter and would not mind seeing him travel to the Bridge. A change of scenery and a different mindset might do him all the good in the world. Luckily his wife isn’t nearly as attractive and he shouldn’t worry about that. For the full story here’s the link.
In all seriousness, one must feel for the victims of any natural disaster and as such I felt compelled to add this to my blog for today. Not as many as Haiti or as nearly as enough as the Boxing day Tsunami, The Japanese Quake which has now been upgraded to a 9.0 on the Richter scale claimed more than 10000 lives in Japans tiny Miagi district. Here’s the link. http://bit.lyho8tzs
Lastly I will leave you with a few thoughts to ponder about things changing in this truly majestic world we live in. The times they are a changing, there is no doubt about that. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunami’s, flooding, the Proteas beating India in the Cricket World Cup, or better yet the Lions beating the Cheetahs in the Super 15, the formers first victory in 19 games.
I will also leave you with a link to before and after pictures of Japan in the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake.
According to News 24 the damage of the earthquake in Japan has risen to $34bn, why everything has to be associated with American Dollars is beyond me. Why not the British Pound? Or even the controlling currency in Europe which as a matter of fact is stronger than the Dollar the Euro? Washington - The massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan will exact a massive economic toll estimated at between $14.5bn and $34.6bn, a leading risk analysis firm said on Sunday.AIR Worldwide (AIR) said its catastrophe modelling showed that property losses from Friday's disaster is preliminary, but estimates insured property losses likely will be "between $14.5bn and $34.6bn". link Anyhoo, my feeling on this is sure, it’s sad, people died, and the world as a whole will suffer from this atrocity. However I must state categorically that I firmly believe in Karma and she is a Bitch sometimes. Do unto those as you would want done unto you. Case in point, the money Japanese whalers make from killing innocent mammals on a daily basis and here’s the kicker, from the SEA.
Real Madrid Football coach Jose Mourinho is highly upset with the Spanish Football Association and blames the association for basically rigging fixtures and favouring the clubs arch enemies Barcelona .He also blamed the league for less rest between games and also that Real Madrid who he coaches play more 22:00 time slotted games than Barcelona. Grow up Jose, just because your teams been clubbed silly by Barcelona and you are wasting the President and boards money doesn’t necessitate a bludgeoning of the SFA. Madrid – Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has backed Jose Mourinho in his complaints over the Spanish league fixtures schedule, which the Portuguese coach argues works in Barcelona's favour. Mourinho has repeatedly complained in recent weeks that Real have less time for rest between matches than arch-rivals and league leaders Barcelona. For the full story visit this link
In other football related news, Sir Alex Ferguson looks ready to offload his world class and England’s no1 striker Wayne “Shrek” Rooney. In a story not somewhat dissimilar to the hoax created by the two just before the January transfer window where Rooney wanted out and then decided to stay at the last minute, it seems now his greatest admirer Sir Alex is sick and tired of his shit and wants him out. I (see previous Blogs) am a staunch Chelsea supporter and would not mind seeing him travel to the Bridge. A change of scenery and a different mindset might do him all the good in the world. Luckily his wife isn’t nearly as attractive and he shouldn’t worry about that. For the full story here’s the link.
In all seriousness, one must feel for the victims of any natural disaster and as such I felt compelled to add this to my blog for today. Not as many as Haiti or as nearly as enough as the Boxing day Tsunami, The Japanese Quake which has now been upgraded to a 9.0 on the Richter scale claimed more than 10000 lives in Japans tiny Miagi district. Here’s the link. http://bit.lyho8tzs
Lastly I will leave you with a few thoughts to ponder about things changing in this truly majestic world we live in. The times they are a changing, there is no doubt about that. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunami’s, flooding, the Proteas beating India in the Cricket World Cup, or better yet the Lions beating the Cheetahs in the Super 15, the formers first victory in 19 games.
I will also leave you with a link to before and after pictures of Japan in the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
To re or not to read?
So everybody scoffed and laughed off the ancient Mayans prediction of the world ending in 2012. If you asked the question “do you think the world would cease to exist by the end of the year 2012?” the answer from 99% of people would have been an emphatic NO.
I dare any reader to ask people who live in New York, Haiti, the great Tsunami area of Boxing day, Christchurch, Australia, The United Kingdom and Europe, and last and by no means least Japan, the same question today. If I hazard a guess the percentages would have changed drastically.
Is this a real warning? Or is it merely natures way of” culling”? Fuckit all, I say run, hide, buy on credit and live life to the fullest, get pissed, fornicate. The END is nigh.
Hahaha, seriously let’s put things into perspective. New York, the Big Apple, fucked up by two Boeings on Sept 11th by pilots trained by the U.S government to fly planes, way to go guys, next train the terrorists how to manufacture silent killers that they can drop from planes and let the wind do the rest. Bio war that’s it, thought the words had escaped me but my mate Mohammed reminded me what it was called.
Jan 11th Haiti gets hit by the mother of quakes and woosh, its almost gone. America once again gets involved and sends in troops and foreign aid and last but once again not least Wyclif Jean to try and sort the shit out by running for president. He doesn’t win, the world forgets about Haiti and the poor guys have still not recovered. Seriously, they are in shit.
March 11th Japan gets clubbed by an 8.9 earthquake that shifts the earth off its own axis. Sends tsunamis all over the world and sets off explosions in one of their 51 nuclear reactors. The world is abuzz with activity, pessimists are preparing and conspiracy theorists are licking their lips, ancient Mayan Spirits are doing the moon walk with Michael Jackson and the U.S president elect (they know who it’s going to be by then is already drawing up contingency plans for his evacuation ala Armageddon.
The Americans are to blame I tell you, Charlie Sheen, Justin Bieber and Billy Ray Cyrus, the latter for making Miley. Imagine if you will, the entire population of Japan Laughing to 2 and a half men , singing and dancing to Justins” baby baby baby oh or doing the same to Mileys it’s the climb and what do you have? Yup you guessed it, a fucking catastrophe.
So I leave you with a reading from the bible, seriously now no bull, profanities or references to mere mortals.
Luke 21:10-11
Then Jesus said to his disciples:” Nation will rise against Nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great Earthquakes’, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from Heaven. Jesus says, for behold I come quickly.
So ask yourself, if you are reading this, ARE YOU READY? Or is this just a bridge mother nature is throwing at is to cross over, like I said earlier without prejudice , jokes or profanities , get ready, one way or another, all roads, be it from Tokyo, Soweto, New York, Queensland, Athens, to Amsterdam lead to God.
I dare any reader to ask people who live in New York, Haiti, the great Tsunami area of Boxing day, Christchurch, Australia, The United Kingdom and Europe, and last and by no means least Japan, the same question today. If I hazard a guess the percentages would have changed drastically.
Is this a real warning? Or is it merely natures way of” culling”? Fuckit all, I say run, hide, buy on credit and live life to the fullest, get pissed, fornicate. The END is nigh.
Hahaha, seriously let’s put things into perspective. New York, the Big Apple, fucked up by two Boeings on Sept 11th by pilots trained by the U.S government to fly planes, way to go guys, next train the terrorists how to manufacture silent killers that they can drop from planes and let the wind do the rest. Bio war that’s it, thought the words had escaped me but my mate Mohammed reminded me what it was called.
Jan 11th Haiti gets hit by the mother of quakes and woosh, its almost gone. America once again gets involved and sends in troops and foreign aid and last but once again not least Wyclif Jean to try and sort the shit out by running for president. He doesn’t win, the world forgets about Haiti and the poor guys have still not recovered. Seriously, they are in shit.
March 11th Japan gets clubbed by an 8.9 earthquake that shifts the earth off its own axis. Sends tsunamis all over the world and sets off explosions in one of their 51 nuclear reactors. The world is abuzz with activity, pessimists are preparing and conspiracy theorists are licking their lips, ancient Mayan Spirits are doing the moon walk with Michael Jackson and the U.S president elect (they know who it’s going to be by then is already drawing up contingency plans for his evacuation ala Armageddon.
The Americans are to blame I tell you, Charlie Sheen, Justin Bieber and Billy Ray Cyrus, the latter for making Miley. Imagine if you will, the entire population of Japan Laughing to 2 and a half men , singing and dancing to Justins” baby baby baby oh or doing the same to Mileys it’s the climb and what do you have? Yup you guessed it, a fucking catastrophe.
So I leave you with a reading from the bible, seriously now no bull, profanities or references to mere mortals.
Luke 21:10-11
Then Jesus said to his disciples:” Nation will rise against Nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great Earthquakes’, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from Heaven. Jesus says, for behold I come quickly.
So ask yourself, if you are reading this, ARE YOU READY? Or is this just a bridge mother nature is throwing at is to cross over, like I said earlier without prejudice , jokes or profanities , get ready, one way or another, all roads, be it from Tokyo, Soweto, New York, Queensland, Athens, to Amsterdam lead to God.
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